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Keystone after Covid 2020

After our first major lockdown for Covid-19 where we basically went into level 4 and the country closed for business I got the call to play again. 

Reece messaged me on facebook looking for someone to play at Keystone with a day’s notice.Every industry was in shock and no one knew if people would venture out to live venues. The hospitality industry was hit really hard due to the nature of Covid spreading through contact so people couldn’t go out. 

Thankfully they did and do at the time of writing this.

Live music covered at Keystone on 3 July 2020 at Keystone Bar and Restaurant, Victoria street, Hamilton, New Zealand. Live music from 9:30pm Friday’s. Reece Gielen on guitar, Emilio Bonica-King on drums, Brendon Moses on Bass.

This is our fifth jam together ever without the benefit of any rehearsal time so it’s bound to be a little rough (which explains me referring to the chart regularly).
